' *************************************************************************************** 'Subject: Basic library include file for polynomial arithmetic modulo p. ' (version exclusively for characteristic 2 in packet PolMods.zip) 'Author : Sjoerd.J.Schaper 'Date : 11-01-2012 'Code : FreeBasic 1.06.0 (QuickBasic 7.1 adaptation in packet PolMods.zip) ' ' *************************************************************************************** CONST nmx = 256, pmx = 27 ' max.degree, primes CONST LB = 15, MB = &H8000& ' bigint base ' ' *************************************************************************************** TYPE Poly FIELD = 1 ' univariate polynomial: n AS SHORT ' degree and c(nmx) AS LONG ' coefficients END TYPE TYPE Bigi FIELD = 1 ' big integer: l AS SHORT ' length, s AS SHORT ' sign and d(nmx) AS SHORT ' base 2^ 15 digits END TYPE DIM SHARED Modulus AS SHORT ' field characteristic < 32768 ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Initialization and assignment ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE FUNCTION Setchar (ByVal p AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'Set prime field characteristic, returns 0 if composite(p) DECLARE SUB Letc (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS SHORT) 'Set f to constant c DECLARE SUB Letm (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS SHORT) 'Set f to monomial X + c DECLARE SUB Rndp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal n AS SHORT, ByVal m AS SHORT) 'f:= random monic polynomial of degree n with m non-zero coefficients DECLARE SUB Leti (ByRef a AS Bigi, ByVal b AS LONG) 'Let bigint a = b ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' In- and output ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE FUNCTION Parsp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal g AS ZSTRING PTR) AS SHORT 'Parse input polynomial, set modulus to input fractions DECLARE SUB Prntp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS STRING) 'Pretty print polynomial with prefix g DECLARE SUB Readp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal n AS SHORT) 'Input coefficient vector f.c[n..0] DECLARE FUNCTION CRTfile (ByVal p AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'Open an inputfile for LargeInt-module CRTtrans.bas 'set p = number of CRT-primes (<= pmx), p = 0 to close DECLARE SUB CRTprnt (f() AS Poly, ByVal sw AS SHORT, ByVal g AS ZSTRING PTR) 'Print polynomial array f() to open file #Tfile. 'Set sw = 0 for integral f, sw = 1 for rational f 'with denominators cleared, sw = 2 for printing fractions. 'Set sw + 4 to divide out content(f), g is a comment string. DECLARE SUB CRTchar (ByVal p AS SHORT) 'Fast field characteristic, without primality test ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Polynomial arithmetic functions ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE SUB Addp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) 'Polynomial f:= f + g DECLARE SUB Divdp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef q AS Poly) 'Division f = g * q + r; f:= r, q:= f / g DECLARE SUB Multp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) 'f:= f * g DECLARE SUB Squp (ByRef f AS Poly) 'f:= f ^ 2 DECLARE SUB Subtp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) 'f:= f - g DECLARE SUB Shlp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal k AS SHORT) 'f:= f * X^ k DECLARE SUB Shrp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal k AS SHORT) 'f:= f / X^ k ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Modulo-polynomial functions ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE SUB Invp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef d AS Poly) 'f:= f^ -1 Mod g, g:= g / gcd(f, g), d:= gcd(f, g) DECLARE SUB Modmltp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef h AS Poly) 'Polynomial f:= f * g Mod h DECLARE SUB Modpwrp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef k AS Bigi, ByRef g AS Poly) 'f:= f^ bigint(k) Mod g, set g = 0 to skip reduction ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Checks ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE FUNCTION Ispc (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'Is f = constant c ? DECLARE FUNCTION Ispm (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'Is f = monomial X + c ? DECLARE FUNCTION Isirrd (ByRef f AS Poly) AS SHORT 'Is f irreducible ? ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Assorted functions ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE SUB Bezoup (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef d AS Poly) 'Solution of the Diophantine equation fa + gb = gcd(f, g). 'Returns a in f, b in g, and gcd(f, g) in d DECLARE SUB Deriv (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) 'g:= derivative f' DECLARE FUNCTION Disc (ByRef f AS Poly) AS SHORT 'Return discriminant(f) DECLARE FUNCTION Eval (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS LONG) AS SHORT 'Evaluate f(c) with Horner's rule DECLARE SUB Gcdp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef d AS Poly) 'd:= polynomial gcd(f, g) DECLARE SUB Monic (ByRef f AS Poly) 'Make monic(f) DECLARE FUNCTION Psdiv (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly, ByRef q AS Poly) AS SHORT 'Pseudo-division, returns the scalar L(g)^(f.n - g.n + 1) * f = g * q + r DECLARE SUB Recip (ByRef f AS Poly) 'f:= reciprocal X^f.n * f(1/ X) DECLARE FUNCTION Result (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) AS SHORT 'Return resultant(f, g) DECLARE SUB Subst (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) 'Horner substitution f:= f(g(X)) ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Modular arithmetic functions ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE FUNCTION Modd (ByVal c AS LONG) AS SHORT 'Return positive(c) mod global modulus DECLARE FUNCTION Balc (ByVal c AS LONG) AS SHORT 'Return least absolute value(c) mod global modulus DECLARE FUNCTION Inv (ByVal c AS LONG) AS SHORT 'Return 1/ c mod global modulus DECLARE FUNCTION Modpwr (ByVal a AS LONG, ByVal k AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'Return a^ k mod global modulus ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Building big integer exponents ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE SUB Addi (ByRef a AS Bigi, ByVal c AS SHORT) 'bigint a:= a + c DECLARE FUNCTION Divi (ByRef a AS Bigi, ByVal c AS SHORT) AS SHORT 'a:= a / c, returns remainder DECLARE SUB Muli (ByRef a AS Bigi, ByVal c AS SHORT) 'a:= a * c DECLARE SUB Pwri (ByRef p AS Bigi, ByVal a AS SHORT, ByVal k AS SHORT) 'p:= a ^ k DECLARE SUB Squi (ByRef a AS Bigi) 'a:= a ^ 2 ' ' *************************************************************************************** ' Internal functions ' *************************************************************************************** DECLARE SUB Adjp (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal n AS SHORT) 'Adjust degree n of polynomial f DECLARE SUB Lftj (ByRef a AS Bigi, ByVal k AS SHORT) 'Left-justify bigint a, starting at array element k DECLARE SUB Mulc (ByRef f AS Poly, ByVal c AS SHORT) 'f:= f * c mod global modulus DECLARE SUB Negp (ByRef f AS Poly) 'f:= -f mod global modulus DECLARE SUB PosLc (ByRef f AS Poly) 'Make positive leading coefficient DECLARE FUNCTION Tail (ByRef f AS Poly, ByRef g AS Poly) AS SHORT 'Zeroed poly tail for Addp and Subtp DECLARE SUB Triald (Pf() AS LONG, ByRef fx AS SHORT, ByVal n AS LONG) 'Return primefactors of n in Pf(fx, k) DECLARE SUB Work (ByRef f AS STRING) 'Set f to the working directory in ENVIRON("LARGEINT"), 'the stringbuffer must be large enough to hold the path ' ' *************************************************************************************** #IFNDEF __LIB #INCLIB "polymodp" ' *************************************************************************************** '28 largest primes < 2^ 15 for CRT-transform: ' *************************************************************************************** DATA 32749,32719,32717,32713,32707,32693,32687 DATA 32653,32647,32633,32621,32611,32609,32603 DATA 32587,32579,32573,32569,32563,32561,32537 DATA 32533,32531,32507,32503,32497,32491,32479 ' ' *************************************************************************************** #ENDIF
All this functionality in only 20 Kb
The above eight modules need transformation module CRTtrans.bas
to lift the results from the intersection of 28 small equivalence classes:
Plus GF(2^8) versions of the above three Elgamal cryptography modules.